Monday, March 26, 2012


so it begins.
i fell into the crowd :]


oh school.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


 i wanted to write something great about this day.
and how beautiful it is!
but i don't know what to say.
i'm quite excited it almost spring.
also i do have a few thoughts.
1. i love this little anchor and want it.
 2. i have been watching one tree hill.
a little too much :]
 3. i'm thinking about painting my bicycle.
it is currently white, which i quite like.
teal, or like a steel blue or red and shiny.
are my other options.
haha also i might make up colors sometimes.
i'm sure it's fine.
4. this is what i am waring.
i decided that i love the color combo.
and can't hardly imagine my life with out my denim.
and am a little obsessed with my purple cords.
haha oh spring break.
oh and next week i start field in my kindergarten class.
very excited.. minus the annoying lady coming to observe me.
anyways, have a great day!
p.s. ever sense we had a preschooler named MarySunshyne.
i can hardly spell the word right.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


 ultimately im a little late.
been kinda busy.
but here was our valentines :]
husband made me a digital valentines hahaha.
it was quite cute.
 and i heart attacked!
 then we watched a movie in our own theater.
oh also drew made me breakfast :]

Friday, March 2, 2012


so basically drew and i have been deciding what to do this summer.
we have the chance to go out to d.c. 
to work and live.
we are excited and a little nervous.
  one time i went to washington d.c.
it looked a little like this.
and i looked a little like this.
haha different riight.
also though, i love our beautiful world.
im quite excited to see more of what the east coast has to offer :]
me and drew get to do our own thing.
oh and i'm pretty sure our friends should come and visit. 
now to find a job!


second book of the three.