Wednesday, November 12, 2014

family pictures.

 im pretty sure i have the best friend.
miss tregani took family photos for us.
she is the best and i love them.

first we took some of just me and my love.
avery was finishing his nap.

 then we took some family ones.
arn't they so pretty.

 avery gave us a mister stone cold.
at least he was not crying i sopose.

 i just love my guys.
i am a lucky lady.

thanks tregani!
you the best.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

seven months.

 next to impossible to get this guy to lay on his back for more than 2.7 seconds.
also we are very serious today.
this last month has been crazy.
avery officially started crawling only days after he turned 6 months.
he sprouted 4 teeth, yes four.
thus the crazy month, i feel like we haven't slept all month.
it's been rough.
but also a fun busy month!
 maybe next time we will show you our teeth.
also his fascination with this sign, it's funny.
anything you put in front of him he will touch or eat.
 mama's handosme little guy.
 also these pictures were funny.
i had to give him another number in order to leave this one alone.
 little stinker:]