Tuesday, April 17, 2012


so we had a little bbq.
to yes i am going to name it all:
celebrate kristi having a baby.
matt being home.
chris becoming manager.
cait and bryce getting married.
and me and drew moving.
i love our friends.
we have built up quite the group!
it's crazy how life is moving on.
to new adventures :]


 dearest matthew.
we have been waiting a long time.
and by this i mean amy has.
which ultimately feels like we all have :]
 glad your home.
 harris family.
 vanchiere family.
soon to all be the same family!
and the support group haha.


i so failed at taking cute easter pictures.
but look how cute drew's basket was :]
we got to spend time with the kids on saturday for an easter egg hunt.
and on sunday with my family for dinner.
what a beautiful time of year.


oh the things you learn in kindergarten.
haha my last field experience was with these guys.
which is where i will also be in the fall.
for yes my final semester!
my class was so sweet.
i learned lots.
also got sang to, yes justin bieber.
hugged at least five times a day.
and hopefully made a difference.
i loved it :]


remember how i forget to blog.
haha that's a lie.
i just get too busy!
but well here it goes again with posting multiple times in one day.
 so a while ago we watched our nephews.
 the night included: painting.
being silly.
and the cutest little boys ever :]
aren't we going to be cute parents.