Tuesday, February 3, 2015


birth is such a beautiful thing.
yesterday i had the opportunity to photograph my sister-in-law kiley's baby being born.
i was a little nervous.
i have never been to a birth other than my own childs,
 and i didn't know exactly what she was wanting.
 i want to call myself a photographer but i actually feel very out of my territory sometimes. 
my early years are basically kiddie kandids work.
which is so very different.
but i have always loved taking photos and still do.
so im branching out.
thanks for giving me the chance!
sweet little kayzlie jade made it to the world in the evening.
right when she came i was overwhelmed with her spirit. 
it was a neat experience just being there. 
i kept thinking of my own little avery.
you could hear her little heart beat on the monitor.
which i never knew how much i found comforting. 

 i love how much we can just sit and admire little babies.
they are defiantly sent from heaven.
 jason, kayzlie and kiley.
little lady jamillie was at home.
also with grandma and grandpa and my little avery.
also they kept mentioning her little cheeks.

 i am dying over her little face right here.
it's hard being a baby.
congratulations kiley & jason!
she is beautiful.


  1. Yes, these are perfect and exactly what I had in mind! Thanks again :) It is such an amazing moment to bring these sweet spirits into the world. Glad you could feel her special spirit as she joined our family :)

  2. These photos are TOTALLY tasteful (not tmi) and absolutely beautiful. Next time I have a baby, I want photos, too. My sis in law came RIGHT after Alexa was born and she got some good ones, but I would love to have some during the birth, too. It's such a beautiful thing.

